Welcome to the last and final chapter in the FAB series...this week I'm talking about how to not only look good, but to stay fit and healthy. Having control over your body allows you to feel relaxed and in control of all the other aspects of your life...in a way exercise is the new clubbing!
We also have to try and calm our minds - one way to do this is to give social media a rest...at least a few hours every day. Social media can seriously interfere with our rest and sleep patterns, which in turn can affect our mood and appearance...
As we get older our hormones change...we can help ourselves adapt easier by eating a nutritious and balanced diet with everything in moderation. To look good, stay vital, independent and enjoy life to the max, as we get older exercise unfortunately becomes non-negotiable. We need to try and cut down on stress, keep up our social life, stay open minded, laugh and find a passion to enjoy life to the fullest.
Our health depends on positivity. Our own negative comments can make us feel as low as if someone else is insulting us. As older woman, we are the new power generation - we are very much engaged in life and like to look good, not just look good "for our age." 75% of woman over 40 have more fun, 76% said they were healthier than ever and 65% of woman in our age bracket said they are happier than before. How chic and fabulous is that?
I hope you have enjoyed reading my FAB series. Being Fabulous & Beyond is a life journey that starts now...even I have to work on all these aspects myself every day...just remember "old is the new black!"
Till next week...stay glamorous xxx
(Inspired by the book Stylish Forever by Alyson Walsh and images courtesy of Pinterest)
great tips!